10 Reasons Stopping you from Making Money and Getting Rich

 You all want to get rich fast and most of us keep searching on the internet about how to get rich and how to make money but you fail every time when you start to do something good why?

You have to understand the reasons that are stopping you from making money in your life that is important to you as instead of searching for ways to get rich first understand what behavior of yours is stopping you from making money and getting rich.

10 Reasons Stopping you from Making Money and Getting Rich

10 Reasons Stopping you from Making Money and Getting Rich
Making Money and Getting Rich

The Top 10 reasons stopping you from making money and getting rich are listed below so read them out and learn.

Do you recognize yourself in one or more of these below listed descriptions? 

Keep track as these are the behaviors that are stopping you from making money and getting rich in your life.

1) Not Speaking about Money Problems

Not speaking about your money problems is a big issue as it keeps you away from getting real abour your money situation for example you can't talk about money with your spouse and things like making money and getting rich is a stressful conversation for you. 

What amount of money you spend, how much you earn, what you have in that awesome secret bank you keep are confidential but not speaking about your debt issues and your money problems is the really giving you big time stress. 

For example when your good friend suggests a vacation treat or restaurant party that is way out of your price range, you're tongue-tied and you dont tell that you can not afford and try to bring the money via debt. 

Understand this you have to be vocal and real about your money situation don't  hide it.

2) Being a Prisoner of your own Spending. 

You are a prisoner of your own spending and its a shame that you spend so foolishly that you end up being financially unstable and your getting rich dream takes a haul.

You spend more and more foolishly than you earn even as your salary keeps on going up. You buy things that you really don't use at all and wish you hadn't bought in the first place and the need of making money becomes a stressful time bound situation for you. 

You often buy expensive things on the need of your thought impulse. Your credit card is like another bodily appendage; it reacts like a nerve ending. 

You tend to buy things in bulk from sites like amazon due to the offers, then throw away most of them.

Understand that for making money you need to have control over your spending.

3) Always Craving for More Money. 

Making Money becomes your need and it doesn't matters how much money you make you always end up wanting more.

You always think you need more and more money but its never enough for you. Then you get more, and guess what: You need still more and more and more. 

Your “number”—the amount that will be enough, that will finally let you stop craving for money and makes you feel really rich turns out to be a moving target that just keeps changing and you never feel like you are getting rich. 

You become a workaholic to make more money. You hoard and save and buy only the bare necessities. You spend a lot of time fantasizing about how to earn money and how your problems will be solved and you'll be free as a bird— just as soon as that amount of money is achieved.

4) Looking For Easy Money that is Not Real 

You keep looking on ways to get rich fast and try to make easy money. Now. Making money slowly strikes you as tedious and boring. 

What you want is the big and easy payoff, the overnight zap via a magic spell!, the speculation that keeps you checking the market, biting your nails, feeling the adrenaline rush making you wanting to get rich quick

You're not going to miss a chance to make that easy quick money. Not you. And when you're not checking the trading and stock market, you're buying the lotto lottery ticket, reading how to get rich fast books or heading for Atlantic City or Vegas and the potential lucrative jackpots there. 

It isn't money you're really after; it's the bad and addictive adrenaline rush that is making you feel high.

You cannot make money this easy for getting rich you must act real and learn how to make real money.

5) Following Others Blindly. 

Just about anyone who knows more about making money than you do you will follow their advice blindly. 

You will follow what the general masses are doing as their is strength in their numbers, as any money making sheep can tell you. 

So you watch the talk shows to get some real good financial advice, read the paper, follow the Money gurus. You don't feel the need to check out if the advice is worth following or not; if it sounds good on CNBC, or if your friends are doing it, or if your spouse says it's a good idea, you'll do it too very easily and you will think its a way of getting rich but in the end you fail to make money that you desired. 

If Tech stocks are going up? You're in and you will play your bets. It's a recession and everyone else is selling? So you too think of selling. 

Hey! If everyone else on the block has a high-def music system, then obviously you need to get one too; it would be uncomfortable and foolish for you not to buy it which is wrong.

Please understand that you cannot follow others blindly and think of getting rich by not taking any effort to understand if what others are doing is good for you.

6) Money as Means to Judge your life and Yourself. 

You measure yourself on the basis of how much money you have alone and feel not quite equal to someone who has or earns a lot more or a lot checking the market, you're buying the lottery ticket or heading for Atlantic City or Vegas and the potential jackpots there. It isn't big money you're really after; it's the highly addictive adrenaline rush.

Judging yourself on the terms of how much money you have in your pocket and don't set your path of making money as a way of changing your image as it will create more stress for you.

7) Following the Stars and the Big-Money People 

Your only problem is that you go crazy for Money rich people as you keep on worshiping them.

Big Richie like Messi and Ronaldo are worshiped like crazy and people instead of making their own money and trying to get rich themselves don't even plan out their financial life and learn ways through which that they can make money.

8) Making Money the root reason of everything. 

You always think that money is needed to anything and everything in life and you refrain from taking action thinking that you don't have money to do your stuff.

 You're a woman who knows you’ ll never be able to crack the glass ceiling and make as much as a man. You're a teacher who knows he's stuck at the meager annual salary the state pays. 

Money means rank to you all and you put yourself down in front of the rich like they own you, and that's just the way it is.

9) Lying about Money. 

You lie for money and you think that this will help you in making money and getting rich.

Wow! Did you make a killing in the market! Actually, you didn't make quite as big a killing as you say you did, but then, you always exaggerate the truth where money is concerned—whether it's how much you earn, what you spent on your house, how much you save, how much you owe. 

Sometimes, you exaggerate low, and sometimes, you exaggerate high. But you always exaggerate about money.

10) Hating Money Or thinking Money as Weapon to achieve things in life. 

You have a Money hatred issues and you think of money as a disaster. You think making money is the root of all evil, and you want yourself to stay far away from you. Wall Street? The devil's play ground for you  and you won't invest. 

In your view the rich people are worthless and monsters that can do anything for money and hence you don't want money in your life. 

You're happy to pay for lunch, but you expect something in return—maybe dinner next month? You give your kids money, then tell them how you want it spent: You'll pay for business school but not for social work school. 

Making Money is a tool for you use to manipulate people and getting rich is your dream and you think it should be your daily dream to stay rich hence even if you are a billionaire you are not satisfied and you want more.

These are the 10 reasons that is stopping yourself from getting rich and living a financially free and relaxed life.

Learn Positive Mindset Secrets to get rich quick.

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