How Spending Cash Can Save You Money is the main question you all have so here is your answer on spending cash vs using credit card.
One of the most easy way to control spending on discretionary, personal items is to give yourself an allowance, just like a pretty twelve-year-old, in cash. Then, when it’s gone, it’s gone for good and you will not feel the guilt.
You did saw Wolf of wall street were Leonardo Dicaprio was rolling in a hell lot of cash and making millions although the one who made that money in real life was Jordan Bellford and although at the end of the movie he losses it all right.
But in real life you can use some of the awesome tactics of using cash like a smart wolf that can save you a lot of money.
Understand the money game where if you are looting money from others you will get punished but if you help make others money you propel and grow with high pace in life.
Spending Cash Vs Using Credit Card
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Spending Money Vs Using Credit Card |
1) Spending Cash Vs Using Credit Card on Purpose
Learn what the money is for and what it does and doesn’t cover for you and what should be spending cash on.
For instance, you may decide that your allowance covers your basic lunch but not dinner or snacks at the home movie party but not the theater tickets.
Presumably, you’ll use a debit card or credit card (or in some case use a check—does anyone still do that?) for expenses not covered by your allowance.
You have to be honest with yourself about this and with your loved ones! You don’t want to have a fight mid-month with your lover or family when the cash runs out over what you spent it on.
Spending Cash vs Using Credit Card both are useless when you don't define the purpose of the money you are using it for and is that really important for you.
2) Tracking Spending Cash Vs Credit Card Money
Define uses of the cash you have narrowly. If you decide to use your cash for a variety of purposes, you’ll have a much more difficult time tracking where your money actually goes.
Credit cards seem to offer the best electronic tracking of purchases and are typically reported in real time. If you try to keep track of your cash, you will fail.
So in this case of Spending Cash Vs Credit card of course credit card wins it.
3) Defining Time Period
Define the time period that the cash or credit card can cover for you. Depending on the convenience of getting to the ATM (and whether you have to pay a fee there) you’ll want to decide how often you’ll go pull out some cash for your allowance.
Credit Cards have a timely issue but with spending cash you have no issue of time.
Strictly avoid spending cash for things it was not intended to cover. If you’ve decided your allowance money doesn’t cover dinners with your spouse, when you’re out for dinner, use your card to pay for dinner.
If something comes up where you are forced to use some of your precious cash for something outside the plan, keep the receipt and pull out some extra money for that purpose.
Its smart to use the credit card when you are in timely despair of payment as using credit card will give you the time to repay money but if you use cash then you are out of real money and you fall instantly in debt and you have no way out.
4) Inventory rule in Spending Cash Vs Using credit card
Be sure to make proper inventory your cash periodically. If you are on a monthly plan, you’d hate to have your allowance all gone before the end of the month and then depend on credit card. Check out to see what’s left!
5) Running out of Options
When you run out of money, stop spending cash strictly. If that means taking a sack lunch to work for a few days at the end of a month, so be it. You have to allow yourself to suffer the natural consequences of over spending cash.
Avoid using Credit Card when you are out of cash as the credit card debt can hit you hard in you over use the limit.
6) The Wolf Way of Spending Cash Vs Using Credit Card
Finding ways to spending cash and to develop self-discipline will empower you to save more and build a future for yourself that is safe and secure.
At the end of the day its your choice on spending cash vs using credit card but in general try spending cash rather than using credit card regularly.