Here is your answer to the question to why government cannot print more money so read and learn.
Printing more money is something that all dream of but things in real life don't work that way.
Government Printing more money is a Bad Idea
Many people have a false and old understanding of what money is and they dream that printing more money will solve all money problems which is not true.
You know - people who say money is useless pieces of paper, or just an IOU, or worse: something you should hate, ignore, and avoid.
To think that money is a neutral tool is a fool's erroneous notion of money, but it is still a lie.
You will learn the real answer on why government cannot print more money and printing more money is just not economically feasible so read again and again.
Global purchasing power factor in Printing more money
One of the most important aspects of money is its purchasing power and purchasing power manipulation via questioning why government cannot print more money and debating on printing more money is just insensible.
Containing two definitions: what, and how much, can you buy with it?
Funds must be funded by the product, which means goods and services. Without the ability to buy anything with it, money has no meaning.
The more the economy grows - the more things are available to buy - the more money you earn.
Think of a economy where everyone can buy only bread, and think of a economy where everyone can buy millions of different things.
They both spend money, but obviously money is very smart in the second case as the by product of purchasing power.
The Price factor in Printing more money by government
Another factor is the price: how much bread you can buy for $ 1. If you can usually buy one loaf of bread, but there is a country where you can buy two, that means your money costs twice as much there, in terms of cost.
But it is possible that a country that offers two loaves of bread for $ 1 does not have many other products to sell. So you can buy one cheap item, but not much more.
These are the two main factors that give money its purchasing power. The type of money you know, like fiat or electronic money, is the only body of money that holds the power to buy, “hidden” from the absurd observer.
But it is not technically hidden, because you can see the goods and services available and their price tags.
Tired people, however, have come to the conclusion that money is a useless piece of paper. These people can't connect the money with the numbers on it, and the price tags of the goods and services - all they see are "useless" pieces of paper.
Government working on economic development without printing more money
Now this raises the question: how on Earth could the government revive the economy by simply printing the body of money, without printing goods and services?
The answer is simple: never!
When the value of goods and services does not change, but you print a large sum of money based on the same amount of goods and services, you do nothing, but you end up the value of each unit of money. This means you have a lot of money that costs less.
This is what we call inflation.
Another type of inflation is when the inflation rate does not change, but there are less goods and services available for some reason (natural disasters, for example).
This still means that your money is a little expensive, but it just doesn't happen, because you just can't have the big enough risk of losing money completely.
So the important thing is that the economy is always growing, so the government (or any financial institution) has to print a lot of money, because when money becomes too expensive, you have to make smaller units to buy what you want.
In other words, there are probably no goods and services that you can use for only one cent, because the cheapest items you can buy cost 0.5 cents, but the minimum amount you can get is 1 cents.
But other than that, there is no way for print money to be allowed.
Flow of money factor in Printing more money
Despite the fact that monetization is complicated by some form of "debt", money is not an IOU.
The reason is simple: no one can force others to sell to you, and no one can force you to sell to others.
Whatever money you have, if no one is willing to sell you anything, there is nothing you can do about it (legally you can, because you are not allowed to be discriminated against in most places, but this is just a little detail now).
People accept your money because they are better at doing it: your money is more important to them than the product they sell you, and vice versa and this is one the mai.
With this in mind, we have reached our next level which many people cannot explain, namely: why do people accept your money even if you did not work directly for them?
Why did the baker accept the money you earned to build houses elsewhere, for people who did not know the baker?
Because economically, we are all connected to each other financially. Which means that if you produce a good product elsewhere, you raise the same amount of money everywhere, even to people you do not know at all, because now the international money is backed up by the goods and services you have produced!
Similarly, if a government prints more money than it needs to, it undermines the very fabric of the economy and the flow of money.
Asking right questions before thinking of printing more money
So we have to ask ourselves: how is it possible that lowering all the national currency in some way helps the country solve any problem? Would it not move us to do something far more serious?
So how is it possible that $ 1000 of print money can help anyone in the long run? You didn't make any money, you actually have useless papers on this.
Of course, you can use that money right away, because the economy needs months to adjust its value in the supply chain, but after a while, your $ 1000 will be reduced to 1 cent.
And that is exactly what happened to Venezuela.
So in the short term, it can make things better, but in the long run it makes things worse!
Vesting Power and printing more money different
Methods which governments use widely, are called Keynesian or totalitarian tactics, because John Maynard Keynes was an economist who developed many explanations for why you should devote all your power to government.
Nothing is true.
This is a dictatorship's economic planning. (In defense of Keynes, Milton Friedman said he would be the first person to abandon his ideas after the end of the crisis (major depression), but he died during that time, and his ideas still work (maybe not something that happened?)).
Now you can understand what he meant by this:
So when you actually see that X million / billion any dollars are printed
So when you actually see that X million / billion any dollars are printed, no new money is added to the economy or anything. It is simply a tool to soothe people in times of disaster, to avoid inevitably, and to use dictatorship, too, to “help the people” (remember that Hitler invaded Germany, and then saved Germany from him, to be in charge. The movie "V Vendetta" is based on the same process).
With that in mind, you should know that all redistribution schemes are scams. People who produce purchasing power are robbed, so their progress is delayed.
Also: find insignificant pieces of paper. You may not see this, because you can use it, but you may not know how much better the economy would be without this.
Why do you need a redistribution of $ 1000 and ultimately your $ 10 will cost that amount anyway? Instead, you have $ 1000 worth only $ 10 over time.
It would be much better if they let people donate to charities, where they can decide how much to donate. Because with the redistribution of land, you take a small amount from someone who can donate more, and you take a large amount from those who cannot afford it, thus banking. Without the will of choice, you cannot specify.
And yes, people like to give to charities. Imagine Notre-Dame or that many schools and hospitals were set up by charities in early America.
The reason they do not escape the printing press sometimes (Venezuela certainly has not moved away from it), is that the economy commits excessive robbery: they produce more purchasing power than destroyed by looting.
But this is also a way of standing.
Real value of money in Printing more money thoughts
You can now understand why taxes have no real meaning, since they are just different names for redistribution.
A good name for printing money in America is reducing the amount (QE). They call it that because it sounds more professional, but that's all. There is nothing behind it.
With the government printing so much money in the United States, many foreign investors will spend their dollars and use other currencies instead, putting the United States in a deep depression hole.
In addition as we discussed here, they also serve with companies instead of adding some good ones that do not need to be excluded.
But sadly, people simply do not understand why this is happening.
Which brings us to another section, namely, why the use of the gold standard has no real meaning.
As we have seen, what makes money is the goods and services behind it. So why put another yellow metal behind it? What does it mean at all?
Of course, it seems that the government cannot print a lot of money without a lot of gold, which will prevent them from causing inflation.
However, this too is a deception and nothing more. Why? Because they can break the law and cut money on gold at any time, as they have done.
In addition, it makes money even more difficult. What if you had to print over it for healthy savings, but you didn't have the gold needed to do so (for whatever reason)?
What can give money stability in the end is the education of people with money, just because they (politicians) can't spend it legally!
At the moment all the abuse that can be done by the government is only possible because people do not know what is happening.
Why is there uncertainty on financial management on global scale ?
Because they follow a god who is said to hate money and the rich. Because of this, people call rich people "greedy," and having money "materialism," as if there would be anything that did not have a spiritual origin from the soul of the person who created it, as if a dark-skinned farmer could be more spiritual than we are, and only buy goods, not services. and.
In other words: people get upset with money. And as a result, they are in financial darkness about how big human capital works. This, and this in itself, gives the government its power over your (economic) life.
It is not just coincidence that the world's most widespread religion attacks money (love is the root of all evil), happiness (suffering purifies your soul) and knowledge (the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the apple) directly.
We mean, what else can they attack that gives you complete control of your life from criminals?
Have you ever wondered how deceivers like Jordan Belfort (the wolf on the street wall) could deceive so many people? Because they had no understanding of money. I think they have it now!
Here is a rule:
What you love and care about, you understand; so you protect it and love to hold it.
If you don't like something, you don't care about it and you let it go.
And that's exactly what's happening to money right now.
So we hope now you understand why government cannot print money and printing more money is not a real option.