6 Best Strategies For Option Trading

 Here is a list of 6 best strategies for options trading that will make you successful.

6 Best Strategies For Option Trading

6 Best Strategies For Option Trading
6 Best Strategies For Option Trading

Here are top 6 strategies for options trading.

Note: this list contains strategies that are easy to read and understand. Each has less risk than stock. 

Most involve moderate risks. For investors who are not accustomed to choosing options read our beginner options policy and intermediate options policy terms.

1. Combined call writing strategies for option Trading 

Using the stock you already own (or buying new stocks), you are selling another call option that gives the buyer the right to buy your stock at a certain price. 

That reduces the profit potential. You collect the money you pay for your own to keep, or whatever else happens. That amount reduces your costs. 

Therefore, if stocks fall in price, you may lose, but you are better off than if you were a shareholder.

Example: Buy 100 shares of IBM

Sell ​​one IBM Jan 110 phone

2. Cash safe cash deposit strategies for option Trading 

 Sell ​​the stock option you want to have, choosing a strike price that represents the amount you are willing to pay for the stock.

 You are collecting money to repay the receipt of an obligation to buy stock by paying the strike price. You may not buy the stock, but if you don't buy it, you keep the premium as a consolation prize. 

If you keep enough cash in your trading account to buy stocks (if the designated owner uses the stock), then you are considered ‘financially secure.’

Example: Sell one AMZN Jul 50 set; save $ 5,000 in an account

3. Collar strategies for option Trading 

The collar is a covered call position, with put in the put. Put works as an insurance policy and reduces losses to a small (but flexible) amount. 

Profits are also restricted, but conservative investors find that it is a good trade to limit profits by restoring limited losses.

Example: Buy 100 shares of IBM

Sell ​​one IBM Jan 110 phone

Buy one IBM Jan 95 one

4. Widening of credit strategies for option Trading 

Purchase of one call option, and sale of another. Or the purchase of one storage option, and the sale of another. Both options have the same expiration. It is called the spread of debt because the investor collects money to trade. Therefore, the more expensive option is sold, and the less expensive one is purchased without the optional currency. This strategy has a market bias (telecommunications is bearish and placement is a progressive trend) with limited profitability and limited losses.

Example: Buy 5 calls JNJ Jul 60

Sell ​​5 JNJ Jul 55 calls

or Buy 5 SPY Apr 78 sets

Sell ​​5 SPY Apr 80 sets

5. Iron condor strategies for option Trading 

A position that contains the distribution of one telephone credit and another sets the spread of credit. Also, gains and losses are limited.

Example: Buy 2 SPX calls May 880

Sell ​​2 SPX May 860 calls

and Buy 2 SPX May 740 sets

Sell ​​2 SPX in May 760 sets

6. Horizontal (or double) spread strategies for option Trading 

This spreads when options have different strike rates and different expiration dates.

A. The purchased option is more expired than the sold option

B. Purchased options are out of cash rather than sold

Example: Buy 7 calls XOM Nov 80

Sell ​​7 XOM phones Oct 75 This is a consistent spread

Or Buy 7 XOM Nov 60 sets

Sell ​​7 XOM Oct 65 sets This corresponding spread

So above are the best strategies for option trading.

Also read basics of Option Trading 

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